As we have allready done IOIO - UART extension board for gliders, i decided to publish some information about the unfinished IOIO - Arduino shield adapter project.
Adapter board allows the use of arduino shields with IOIO card.
Update 21.10.12!
I have changed design to fit first generation IOIO and new IOIO v2 too.
now IOIO pins 25 and 26 are connected to the arduino shield i2c bus pins.
Also arduino shield AD4 and AD5 can be jumpered to IOIO pins 45 and 46 or 1 and 2.
Update 8.11.12!
Adapter pcb's arrived.
IOIO - Arduino
3 D0
4 D1
5 D2
6 D3
7 D4
10 D5
11 D6
12 D7
13 D8
14 D9
18 D10
19 D11
20 D12
21 D13
22 RST
41 AD0
42 AD1
43 AD2
44 AD3
45 AD4 (or IOIO v2 pin. 1)
46 AD5 (or IOIO v2 pin. 2)
As comment from ytai, i changed AD0-AD5 part connection.
Pins AD0-AD5 have resistor zener protection as them are not 5v tolerant pins.
Also shield reset button can be used as input and it's connected to the IOIO pin 22
3D screenshot
If you have any requests, comments or questions, please send feedback.
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